Sunday, July 27, 2008

Day 1: Touch Down in Taipei


As the day of flight approached nearer and nearer, the feelings of excitement were quickly being replaced with that of anxiety.

Thanks to those who sent their well wishes, and to my family and the 3 crazy girls who came down to see me off :)
And to yoke ee. Sorry we went in too early!!

It was an interesting experience flying off without your parents.
The moment I stepped in, it was freedom. Very weird sensation.
After buying some chocolates we set off for the flight gate :)

My Dear Friend Hui Chii had forgotten to take out a pair of scissors in her hand-carry bag. :)

The plane ride was rather turbulent, and there was this crazy guy sitting next to me on the plane who kept blowing his nose without a tissue and scratching himself all over... Oh and i watched Prince Caspian on board :D

And as the plane continued to shake and that irritating guy continued to fidget; My headache continually grew.

My Mum's Good friend, Aunty Isobel picked us up. She's a nice lady :) I walked passed her before she put up a piece of paper with my name on it. Then we got a car ride from her husband Uncle Tony to town, where she helped us get our Taiwan Hp no. Free in-coming! Call me if you want! :D

My wonderfully accesorized phone.

And i saw this Ghost at the Taipei Airport:

The resemblance is uncanny.

And then we had dinner with her son. His hair is so long! And apparently its alright for students to leave their hair long! ANd he's a really bubbly character :)

Dinner at a Xiao Chi was GOOOD. Thanks for the treat. They have prata in TW! but they call it something else, and the porridge was a little weird. You're supposed to put sugar into it. My fave was this Beef slice wrapped with prata and spring onions. Heavenly~

And even greater news that night was when Hui Chii called our supervsior, and due to Typhoon warnings, we DON'T HAVE TO REPORT TO WORK TOMORROW!

My headache grew probably from having to process so much chinese in 1 day. Overload..

And my Host family is really nice. Its a really warm homely environment. :)
Thank you Nancy and family :)

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