Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Day 30-31: 素晴らしき新世界::Brave New World

Salutations 烏龍奶茶!!

Today (26 August) has been the most wonderful day of my SIP yet.
All the Sianess magically Poofed away. :)
Yea. Really unexpected.

When I woke up this morning, I saw a msg from my friend saying
that she was sick and asked me to inform the Supervisor that she
will take a day off..

So hmm I felt crummy at first that i had to go to work alone.
But it acutally turned not only to be fine. But really Great :D

The Receptionist and Girl next to me talked to me alot more today.
And I manage to have a nice chat with my 1st In-Charge Supervisor. :)

So at lunch time, i decided to stay on abit, and then my 2nd IC came to check on my 3D Model after like a whole week or so of being so tied up with his own work and running out to meet clients.

And he only said 3 points needed to be changed, compared to past 3
weeks when he kept giving contradictory advise and never-ending anal nit-picking.

"We can move on to another area tomorrow. Can you finish by 6pm?"

I was so elated. After doing the same thing for 3 weeks.

But the best was later when my 1st IC came over to have a chat with me. She acutally came to apologise to me that they had been so busy lately.. Asking how am i adjusting, was there any problems. ** Talk about humility**

** Which i took the chance to comprain abt the air con spewing
warm air at my corner making breathing and concentrating difficult. **

And she proceeded to see my 3D Model and said it was VERY NICE :D

AHAHA. FINALLY. So then along the chat I admitted to her I was bored and discoruaged with the 3D Model so i modeled a Human face on the side, applying what I learnt from Peng mostly and the Video Tutorial.

"Modeling a Human face is quite difficult, But this looks quite good."

I felt super encouraged. And then!!! The Big Boss decided to treat everyone FREE BUBBLE TEA.


I hope things get better from here on now :)

Thanks to God for seeing me through
the rough days. And for the great day today :)

**That's my office btw**

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